Monday, December 2, 2013

Study abroad/semester students

The mission of Students International is to minister to both the students who come down to work with us from North America, as well as the community members that we work with in our ministry sites.  This 2013 calendar we have had two groups of semester students that have worked alongside us as interns, and I have loved being able to be a part of their lives and experience here!  Now that our group that has been here over this fall semester is getting ready to go back home in a week and a half, I thought I'd talk a little bit about what that program looks like and how they fit into our work.  :)

The semester students live with Costa Rican families during the duration of their time with us.  They also take 7 weeks of Spanish language school at the beginning of the semester, so a big goal of their semester with us is to learn A TON of Spanish!  It has been so fun to see one of our semester students who came with next to no Spanish and is now able to have conversations with the kids that we work with and with her host family.  I'm a firm believer in taking advantage of the host families that you live with to soak up all the language that you can, as well as not be nervous about "looking stupid" and just speak as much as you can.  Anyone who has learned a second language (or third of fourth...) knows that it is not easy, and there are so many moments when you feel ridiculous.  But those are the best learning moments.

The second half of the semester, the students are interns with us in our ministry sites.  We have two fantastic young women that have made really great connections with the kids from Los Guido and it is going to be really hard to see them go.  They have practiced math facts, read books, quizzed students on their Social Studies and Science study guides, taught art lessons, helped with baking and crafts, killed cockroaches, and many other things.  They have been open to be learners as well, soaking up all that they can from the kids that come to the Centro and also during discussions that they have had with myself and Jose.  And they have been perceptive to lend a helping hand when it looked like I was overwhelmed with the kids being crazy kids.

Another part of the semester program that I thoroughly enjoy being a part of is our Wednesday night "family nights" that we have with them.  My roommate Cailah and I take turns with our friends hosting the semester students in our home, and there is a team of us as staff that lead a Bible study time with them.  We talk about themes such as poverty, justice, the Kingdom of God and reconciliation.  It is so encouraging to see how they are able to apply their past experiences and experiences they are currently having in their ministry sites and host stays to the biblical principles that we talk about.  And of course, there are yummy snacks and time to just "be" without having to worry about language or culture.

Thanks, Brita and Sara, for being such awesome semester students this fall!  You will be missed.
Brita, Sara, Jose, and 4th-6th graders showing off their newspaper crowns they made.

Brita and Sara making cookies to be sold at our student store (and organizing the giant pile of construction paper that we have!)

Beach day trip with friend Rose and semester students Sara and Anaica