Sunday, January 10, 2016

A New Year and a Reflection on Generosity

Happy 2016!  It's hard to believe that we are already ten days into this new year.  I'm not really one to make new year's resolutions and all that, but it is an excellent opportunity to reflect on this past year and also what is to come in these next twelve months.  A few months back I had written in my journal the verse from 1 Samuel 12:24- "But be sure to fear the Lord and serve him faithfully, with all your heart; consider what great things he has done for you."  Coming from a man who had been set apart to do great things for the Lord since before he was born (read about his mother Hannah and the circumstances of his birth in 1 Samuel 1, it's a great story!), these words carry a lot of weight.  There are so many gems in this one verse, but I am struck by the last phrase this morning.

"Consider what great things he has done for you."  And there are SO many great things he has done for me, for all of us!  I spent my three weeks of Christmas vacation in California, driving all over the bottom half of the State as I visited friends and family that I dearly love.  One of the great things he has done for me is to bless me with a wonderful support system of people who love me and love Him.  These past weeks, I have been shown so much generosity by so many people, and in some instances, by people I don't even know.  I want to spend a few moments mentioning some of the different forms of generosity I experienced this last part of 2015.  As someone who lives on the generous financial support of others, it is such a blessing to me when people help to supply my financial and physical needs with their generosity.
  •  The use of a smart phone with cell and data service(and GPS) as I navigate around California.  Those who know me well know that I tend to get lost and don't have a great internal compass.  Using this smart phone saved me on numerous occasions.
  •  Couches and spare beds to sleep on.  And the use of showers and towels and access to their food supply.  :)
    Sweet time with my brother and sister in law

  • Many tabs picked up at restaurants as we shared a meal together.  And many delicious homemade meals made specifically for me and my cravings.
  • Undivided attention as I shared what's going on in my mind and my heart, and encouragement and prayers for all that is to come in this new year of life and ministry.  So many people sharing encouraging words, hugs, and the fact that they pray for me.  This is a generosity that is immeasurable.
    Beautiful San Diego with some of the best friends
  •  For the first time in my life I experienced a stranger in front of me paying for my food in the drive through. It really did touch my heart! 
  • The second Christmas in a row that I was gifted a free ticket to Disneyland!  And it came with fun friends to enjoy the magical day with!  
    Fellow SI Costa Rica staff and intern friends ready for a day at Disney!
  • Friends who made sure they had childcare (in many cases, their kind husbands) so that we could spend some time having "girl time" together.  I love their children, but it is so special to just be able to be ourselves together, face to face.
  • And of course, mom and dad allowing me to stay at their home, come and go as I pleased, eat their food, interrupt their daily routines, etc.  They are beyond generous to me in so many ways.
As we start off this new year, I would challenge you to also consider the great things he has done for you.  I limited my list to things that I noticed only in these past weeks as I was "home" visiting friends and family.  How can I be more generous to those around me, both the people I know well and those I don't?  My old pastor from Neighborhood used to say that "we are blessed to be a blessing," so let's be a blessing to each other by being more generous!

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