Sunday, October 30, 2011

Fall is here

     When I think about this fundraising process and realize that I have only been officially fundraising since the end of August (two months ago), I'm just amazed at how much has happened.  $1,400 in monthly support has been raised, which leaves $600 left to go.  $600 kind of sounds like a big number, but $1400 is a much bigger number that has already been provided for.  $600 is 8 people at $50 a month and 2 people at $100 a month.  I feel like I keep saying this over and over again but this whole journey that the Lord has me on and this process of raising my necessary living expenses has been so eye opening and affirming for me.  The fantastic news is that $12,000 of my one time costs are already in!!  When I came home from my time in Costa Rica last July, these numbers were really overwhelming and I couldn't even think about how they were going to be taken care of beyond the fact that I knew the Lord would provide according to His timing.  Wow, God!
     Things at school are slowing down a little bit now that parent conferences and Red Ribbon week are over.  The conferences that I conducted in Spanish with some of my parents were not without their flaws, but we were able to understand each other and I was able to communicate what I needed to share about their students.  A few of the parents looked at me with kind of a surprised look on their face when I told them I was going to do my best to communicate with them in Spanish.  There have been a few times this school year where my students are not understanding (or else are choosing not to listen) to my directions, so I switch to speaking in Spanish and that gets their attention real quick.  My one little boy who is already making a name for himself as a fantastic storyteller told me that "just because my hair is black doesn't mean you need to talk to me like that" (meaning in Spanish).  This group of students is really a sweet and oftentimes funny group of kiddos, and I'm very thankful for that.  Last year was a really trying year for me in many ways, and I know that God has blessed me with a group of students to end on a high note with rather than a "good riddance" note.
     This time of year is busy with so many activities involving the fall season and friends.  In the past few weeks I have enjoyed both the Tulare and Fresno fairs, several costume parties, and am REALLY looking forward to a trip to Disneyland with my friends from Visalia in November.  There's a little bit of sadness knowing that the next few years I will not be able to experience these things, but I'm very thankful for these times and the sweet memories they bring.  I am encouraged knowing that I have a large support group that I am going out from, and my ministry and life in Costa Rica will be prayed for on a daily basis.
                                         A hot day at the Big Big Big Fresno Fair
                                         Concert in the park with co-workers
                 Red lips and nails for Halloween!

1 comment:

  1. "Never was there a more happier crew, than them what sings Chim Chim Chiree Chim Chiroo! Chim Chim Chiminy Chim Chim Chiree Chim Chiroo..." -Bert

    Here we come Disneyland, one happy crew!
